898 items found, displaying all items

cell line/type species product animal free source Compare
Whole embryo Bovine (cow) SOF-PVA (CDC) Yes Literature - own formulation
Chondrocytes Bovine (cow) CDM Zhou et al. 2015 Yes Literature - own formulation
Blastocysts Porcine (Pig) PBM/PZM-5 Yes Literature - own formulation
Hepatoblasts Mouse DMEM/F12 supplemented Lv et al. 2015 Yes Literature - own formulation
hASC-HUVEC (co-culture of human adipose stromal cells, human umbilical vein endothelial cells) Human VSM Yes Literature - own formulation
Keratinocytes Human KCM Yes Literature - own formulation
Oocyte Porcine (Pig) POM-PVA Yes Literature - own formulation
Whole embryo Porcine (Pig) TL-PVA Yes Literature - own formulation
hPSCs-derived neuroepithelial cells Human E6 medium Yes Literature - own formulation
TS (trophoblast stem) cells Mouse TX Medium Yes Literature - own formulation
hESC/hiPSCs-derived CMs (cardiomyocytes) Human CDM3 Yes Literature - own formulation
hESC-derived endothelial cells Human APEL medium Costa et al. 2013 Yes Literature - own formulation
hESC-derived endothelial cells Human CD-U3 supplemented Yes Literature - own formulation
Whole embryo Bovine (cow) SOFaa-PVA Yes Literature - own formulation
PSCs (Pluripotent Stem Cells) Human FTDA Yes Literature - own formulation
Whole embryo Bovine (cow) RD-mKSOM/aa supplemented Yes Literature - own formulation
MSCs (mesenchymal stem cells) Human D-hESF10 Yes Literature - own formulation
Whole embryo Bovine (cow) Two-step culture medium Jang et al. 2011 Yes Literature - own formulation
hPSC-derived CD34- and CD34+ progenitors Human StemPro Chicha et al. 2011. Yes Literature - modified commercial product
ES-derived endothelial and hematopoietic precursors Mouse N2B27 Chiang et al. 2011 Yes Literature - own formulation
ESCs (Embryonic Stem Cells) Mouse LDSk Yes Literature - own formulation
Whole embryo Porcine (Pig) TCM-199–HEPES-PVA Yes Literature - own formulation
Oocyte Porcine (Pig) mPOM Akaki et al. 2008 Yes Literature - modified commercial product
Whole embryo Porcine (Pig) POM+PVA Yes Literature - modified commercial product
hESC/hiPSCs-derived CMs (cardiomyocytes) Human END2-CM Yes Literature - own formulation
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